Recovery from Vein Surgery

Leg with varicose veins

Plagued by burning or throbbing pain in your legs due to varicose veins? Your vein doctor will likely put you on a six- to twelve-month course of home and conservative treatment. However, if these fail to provide you with adequate relief, your vein doctor will likely recommend vein surgery.

Your vein doctor will perform a thorough evaluation to determine your eligibility for vein surgery and which type is most suitable for you.

Read on to get a basic understanding of the different types of surgical procedures available for treating varicose veins and what recovery from the surgery entails.

Varicose Vein Surgery Options

The most common type of surgery for varicose veins is stripping and ligation, which involves tying off (ligation) the damaged vein/s via a small incision in the skin to prevent pooling of blood and removing it (stripping).

Another technique is microphlebectomy, sometimes called ambulatory phlebectomy. This is done to remove bulging, twisted varicose veins that cannot be treated with endovenous ablation.

What to Expect During Your Recovery

It is worth noting that while varicose vein surgeries are generally well-tolerated and safe, they are not devoid of risks. These include allergic reactions to the anesthetic used during the procedure, inflammation, nerve injury, and bruising and infection at the site, but these are all rare.

Your vein doctor will provide you with postoperative care instructions to minimize your risk of complications.

The length of your recovery depends on the severity of your varicose veins, how invasive the treatment was, and if you are having multiple procedures spread over several weeks. Even nonsurgical procedures, such as sclerotherapy for tiny varicose veins or laser or radiofrequency ablation for more involved veins, require rest for a day or two. With vein surgery, you need to refrain from your usual activities at work and around the house, particularly if they involve taking the stairs, prolonged walking or standing, and lifting.

Additionally, your vein doctor will likely prescribe compression stockings that you need to wear for a specified amount of time. For instance, for microphlebotomy procedures, you will wear graduated elastic stockings of decreasing compression for several days. These elastic stockings promote proper healing of your blood vessels and healthy blood flow to your heart, reduce pain, and control any residual swelling.

Varicose Vein Treatment in Kansas City, MO

At Missouri Vein Specialists, Dr. Scott Darling offers a wide variety of highly effective treatment options for the full range of venous conditions, including varicose veins, with the goal of always achieving the best results, not only for cosmetic reasons but also to prevent health complications.

To learn more about vein surgery or our other treatment options, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Darling, call us at (816) 792-3400, or request an appointment using this secure form.