Microphlebectomy, sometimes called ambulatory phlebectomy is a procedure performed to address bulging, twisting varicose veins that cannot be treated with endovenous ablation. Often it is combined with endovenous laser treatment and sclerotherapy of spider veins.
First, the bulging veins are marked on the surface of the skin with a marking pencil. Next, local anesthetic is used to numb the area around the varicose vein. A small micro-incision is made, allowing a small hook like instrument to be inserted just below the surface of the skin and remove the diseased vein segment by segment, as it extends down the leg. Your leg will then be bandage wrapped for 48 hours and some bruising may occur.
After 48 hours you will then wear graduated compression stockings for 2 weeks. You should resume normal activities as soon as the following day. The incisions heal in 1 -2 weeks. Since they are so small they do not require suture for closure. Long term they are not noticeable. When treated, these varicose veins are permanently gone. However, if you have a family history you could develop new varicose veins.

Before & After Microphlebectomy of Varicose Vein. Use the handle to slide left and right.
Visit Missouri Vein Specialists in Kansas City & Liberty, MO to Treat Your Vein Disease
Want to learn more about your vein disease treatment options or if microphlebectomy is the right option for you? Schedule a vein consultation with the best vein doctor in KC today by calling 816-792-3400 or use our online form and we will contact you.