Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome

Do you have this uncontrollable urge to move your legs, especially when you’re about to sleep? You could be having a condition known as restless leg syndrome (RLS), also called Willis-Ekbom disease. While you may want to know what’s exactly…

Wound Care for Diabetics

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, then you probably know that high blood sugar levels can make you susceptible to circulation issues and vein disease – which can appear as varicose veins and spider veins.…

Superficial Facial Veins: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Have you ever noticed small red veins on your face? They are called superficial facial veins. While they may not pose a significant threat to your health, they can continue to grow and affect your self-esteem if left untreated. Here’s what…

What Is a Venous Duplex Ultrasound?

If you have issues with the veins in one or both of your legs, your vein doctor may recommend that you get a venous duplex ultrasound in order to check your vein health. Ultrasound is a safe technology that does not use radiation, which is why…

DVT Treatment Options

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot, known as a thrombus, develops in one or more of the deep veins in the body – most frequently in the legs. If left untreated, DVT can be a potentially life-threatening condition. This is…

Healthy Tips from a Vein Doctor

Your arteries and veins play a vital role in the health of your body. The arteries send nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the cells throughout your body, and the veins then send the blood back to your heart for replenishment.…

Signs It’s Time to Visit a Vein Doctor

After your arteries circulate oxygenated and fortified blood to the cells throughout your body, your veins circulate the “used” blood back to the heart and lungs for refortification and reoxygenation – and then the process begins again.…

What Is the Best Treatment for Venous Insufficiency?

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) occurs when one or more veins – usually in the legs – are not doing a complete job of pushing depleted blood back to the heart, and blood is pooling in the vein. If blood is having difficulty returning…

Cosmetic vs. Medical Vein Treatments

Vein treatments are used to do two things: (1) Improve the appearance of unsightly and/or bulging varicose veins and spider veins that appear on your face, arms, chest, and legs, and (2) relieve discomfort, bruising, or ulceration (sores) caused…

Laser Spider Vein Removal

It is very common for women to develop prominent veins throughout their bodies, which are caused by a combination of heredity, hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, pregnancy, and aging. A very common vein problem is spider veins. Although relatively…