Superficial Facial Veins: Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Have you ever noticed small red veins on your face? They are called superficial facial veins. While they may not pose a significant threat to your health, they can continue to grow and affect your self-esteem if left untreated.

Here’s what you need to know about the diagnosis and treatment of superficial facial veins.

Diagnosing Superficial Facial Veins

Spider veins or telangiectatic matting cause superficial facial veins. Telangiectases are small and dilated blood vessels near the surface of the skin. These blood vessels appear red with a diameter of 1 mm.

Photoaging is the most common cause of superficial facial veins. However, other factors such as pregnancy, skin trauma, and genetics may also contribute to superficial veins. Conditions such as liver disease, scleroderma, lupus, and rosacea can also result in the appearance of superficial veins on your face.

The initial diagnosis is easy because superficial facial veins are clearly visible to the naked eye. However, your doctor may recommend that you undergo various tests to rule out other conditions that may be affecting your veins. Liver function studies and blood tests are often a part of the diagnostics.

Treatment of Superficial Facial Veins

After diagnosis, your provider will discuss your treatment options to remove the veins.


Sclerotherapy works by rerouting the blood from superficial facial veins. During this treatment, your doctor will inject a solution directly into your veins. The solution causes scarring in the vein, diverting blood flow to healthier ones. Your facial tissue will then reabsorb the superficial veins.

The injected solution for sclerotherapy can be in the form of liquid or foam. Doctors commonly use liquid solutions for smaller veins, while advanced foam agents are used and traced with ultrasound. Sclerotherapy may not require additional anesthetics, as some solutions already include local anesthesia as a component. Spider veins can disappear after 3 to 6 weeks of sclerotherapy. However, some cases may require more sessions spanning months.

Sclerotherapy may have side effects such as aching, swelling, itching, and night cramps. Skin color may even change for the affected areas. Allergic reactions to the solution may also happen, so make sure you disclose all information during your medical history check.

You will need to avoid shaving and applying facial lotions before treatment.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy uses light to minimize the appearance of superficial facial veins. This treatment is less invasive than sclerotherapy. During the procedure, a small plate exposes your skin to laser energy with a wavelength of 1064 nm. Your blood absorbs this energy and coagulates, leaving your veins dilated enough to disappear.

Superficial facial veins may reappear even after treatment. Therefore, laser therapy usually requires three sessions every 3 to 4 months. If the cause of your condition is scleroderma, your superficial facial veins may take longer to disappear.

At Missouri Vein Specialists, we care not only for your health but also for your comfort. We use the Cutera Xeo laser, the latest in cutting-edge laser treatment technology. Variable power settings on the laser and advanced cooling systems reduce discomfort, bruising, and blistering on your skin, removing the need for topical anesthetics.

Superficial Facial Veins Treatment in Kansas City and Marshall, MO

Several factors and preexisting conditions can cause superficial facial veins, which can be treated using sclerotherapy or laser treatment. While both methods are useful, they each have unique advantages, disadvantages, and side effects. To avoid any issues, consult your doctor to know which treatment is best for you.

Here at Missouri Vein Specialists, our specialists perform laser therapy and sclerotherapy to improve vein conditions. We have two locations to cater to your needs, and you can conveniently book an appointment through our secure online form. You may also call us at (816) 792-3400. Our specialists and staff are eager to help you get rid of your superficial facial veins!