A Guide to Recovery After DVT Treatment

Lower limb vascular examination

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is when a blood clot (thrombus) develops in the deep veins of your body. According to an estimate, up to 3 million people die each year due to DVT or its complication – pulmonary embolism (PE).

Fortunately, treatment of DVT is available and is aimed to:

  • Prevent the clot from getting bigger
  • Prevent the clot from breaking off and moving to your other organs, particularly your lungs
  • Minimize the risk of another blood clot
  • Minimize the risk of developing complications like chronic venous deficiency

If you’re undergoing DVT treatment (medications, compression stocking, surgery, etc.), you may wonder what recovery looks like and how can you shorten your recovery period.

Let’s talk about some tips for a smooth recovery from DVT and where you can go in Leavenworth, KS, for outstanding DVT treatment.

Understand Your Treatment

Firstly, before taking steps to speed up your recovery, you need to understand your treatment and the responsibilities that come with it. For instance, you may need to stick to your medications (blood thinners) for years if you are likely to develop another clot. Additionally, if you’re taking warfarin, a go-to drug for DVT, you may have to take a few tries to get the right dose. Plus, the warfarin dose may also need to be changed from time to time, and you may have to get your blood tested at least once a month.

You must take medicine as prescribed and know what to do if you miss a dose.

What Can You Do to Recover Faster?

After receiving your treatment, there are some self-care tips you can follow. These are

  • Wear Compression Stockings – Typically, vein doctors prescribe pressure stockings along with other DVT treatments. The stockings may improve blood flow in your legs and lower your risk for complications. You must:
    • DO NOT let stockings become very tight or wrinkled
    • Put powder on legs to make it easier to put on stockings
    • Keep stockings clean
    • If you use lotion, let it dry before wearing your pressure stockings
  • Modify Your Activities – Since sitting or lying for too long in the same position contributes to blood clot formation, avoid these during your recovery. If you feel that your legs swell when you sit, prop up your legs on a stool. When sleeping, ensure your feet are a few inches higher than your head.

Additionally, don’t travel on a plane for at least two weeks after you start taking medications (anticoagulants). After the prescribed period, when you travel, get out of your car and walk around for a few minutes.

  • Mind What You Eat – The things you eat and drink affect how your treatment (especially medications like warfarin) works. So, you must:
    • Munch on healthy food
    • Keep the amount of vitamin-K-rich food the same from day to day
    • Use less salt
    • Avoid canned foods that have lots of salt
    • Drink lots of water

DVT Treatment Near Me in Kansas City

If you suffer from swelling, pain, and tenderness in your legs or other body parts, get yourself evaluated for DVT by our vein specialist. Our vein specialist has years of experience in treating comprehensive vein problems like DVT and keeping them under control. He is specialized in using minimally invasive methods for treating vein problems.

If you have any questions or want to set up a consultation with our vein doctor, call us today at 816-792-3400, or you can use our online form. We look forward to serving you!