Vascular Stenting

What Are Varicose Veins and How to Treat Them

Did you know approximately one out of every three individuals has varicose veins? This prevalence makes varicose veins one of the most common types of venous disease. Varicose veins area sign that your circulatory system – consisting of…
The varicose veins on female legs on blue background

Conditions You May Experience Resulting From Untreated Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins. They usually occur on the legs and can be painful. They are a common problem, affecting up to one in three Americans. There is no single cause of varicose veins, and someone who has them usually has…
Varicose vein treatment

Can I Get Rid of Varicose Veins Without Surgery?

Varicose veins are not only a source of embarrassment; they can also cause pain and other distressing symptoms, such as swelling, itching, changes in skin color, and burning in your lower legs. The good news is there are a number of ways you…
varicose veins laser treatment

Are Untreated Varicose Veins Life-Threatening?

Varicose veins can form when the valves in the veins that keep blood flowing in the right direction do not work properly. This can cause blood to pool in the veins and make them larger. Before they grow, you may notice more prominent blue or…
Legs with varicose veins

Vein Doctor: Simple Steps to Get Rid of Varicose Veins

While varicose veins are often innocuous, they are downright unattractive, annoying, and in some cases, even painful. The good news is there are things you can do to effectively get rid of them— and it’s not rocket science. Listed below…
Varicose veins

Consequences of Untreated Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are the result of faulty vein valves, which normally help to push “used” blood back to the heart for reoxygenation and recirculation. When one or more of these tiny valves fail to work, blood will pool in that part of the…
Woman with varicose veins in a park

Untreated varicose veins: possible dangers

Varicose veins are veins that twist and bulge under the surface of the skin, usually on the legs. A lot of people dismiss varicose veins as a purely cosmetic issue. However, varicose veins are a much bigger problem. There are uncomfortable symptoms…
Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins: Are They Dangerous?

It’s commonly believed that varicose veins are an inevitable part of aging. Most of the time, the visibly blue and purple veins around the legs bring no harm to people who see them as nothing more than a passing concern or a cosmetic problem.…
varicose veins

How Do Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Form?

Varicose veins and their smaller version, spider veins, are a common circulatory condition that can result from having damaged or weakened valves in the veins. The valves are tiny parts of a vein that help to push the blood back to the heart…
Vascular Stenting

What Is Vascular Stenting?

Your arteries fulfill the vital function of carrying blood through your different body parts. However, the arteries supplying your heart and limbs can become constricted with fat deposits. The resulting insufficient blood supply can cause painful…