Can I Get Rid of Varicose Veins Without Surgery?

Varicose vein treatment

Varicose veins are not only a source of embarrassment; they can also cause pain and other distressing symptoms, such as swelling, itching, changes in skin color, and burning in your lower legs. The good news is there are a number of ways you can get rid of them – and they don’t necessarily involve you going under the knife.

If compression therapy can no longer provide adequate relief for your varicose veins, your vein doctor may recommend any of the following procedures to address the problem altogether.


If you have small varicose veins, your vein doctor may recommend sclerotherapy, a procedure in which they inject a liquid or foam agent directly into your vein to cause it to collapse, seat shut, and get reabsorbed into local tissue. The vein fades eventually, and blood is then rerouted through the nearby healthy veins.

For optimal result, your vein specialist will have you wear compression stockings after the procedure for a week or two. This helps close down your vein and reduce bruising and swelling.

Endovenous Laser Therapy

Recommended for mild to moderate varicosities, endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) is a procedure in which your vein doctor uses a catheter to deliver laser light pulses to the interior of the problematic vein. The heat generated by the laser cauterizes and closes off the vein. Blood is then rerouted to the surrounding normal veins.

Due to its minimally invasive nature, laser therapy leaves you with virtually no scars and usually doesn’t require any downtime. Your doctor will also have you wear compression stockings after the procedure for one to two weeks.

Endovenous Radiofrequency Ablation

As with laser therapy, radiofrequency ablation (EVRFA) involves your vein doctor using a catheter to cause your vein to collapse and seal shut. The difference lies in the energy delivered: radio waves.

EVRFA requires little to no downtime as well, as long as you avoid strenuous activities for the first few days. You can slowly build up your activities from there; just make sure to be guided by how comfortable you feel. Your vein doctor will also have you wear compression stockings while you recover.

Board-Certified Vein Doctor in Kansas City & Liberty, MO

At Missouri Vein Specialists, Dr. Scott Darling, our board-certified vein doctor, is renowned for providing unmatched patient experience and treatment outcomes for the full range of vein treatments. He can help you banish those unsightly veins while ensuring the best cosmetic – and sustainable – results!

Arrange a consultation with Dr. Darling today. Call our clinic at 816-792-3400 or use our convenient appointment request form.